Smart Grid, micro-networks and transactive energy systems

Study to provide intelligent paradigms to electric market analysis in real time and thus obtain an ideal management of the electrical power distribution grid.




Renewable energy


Electric in the wind energy sector


The increase in the number of self-consumption installations has created the need to improve the handling of the electrical distribution grid due to the increase in local production as a result of the excess energy produced by self-consumption installations. By conducting a suitable study, we can provide intelligent paradigms to electric market analysis in real time with the aim of obtaining an ideal management of the electrical power distribution grid.

The great boom in renewable energy sources experienced in recent years has created the need to develop intelligent and modern paradigms for electrical power distribution grids. This is due to the massive adding of these sources to the power distribution grid. However, due to the intermittent nature of these sources, managing the power distribution grid has become more complicated as the hierarchical focus and central control of the grids transition towards an intelligent grids approach for properly managing peaks in local power generation, improving the flexibility, reliability, sustainability and efficiency of the electrical power distribution grid. Through an analysis of the electrical markets in real time as well as the local markets, we are able to integrate information and communication technologies and carry out an intelligent and remote monitoring of the electric grid, making it possible to implement P2P transactive energy thanks to blockchain technology. To implement this type of technology, we work with tools like Simulink, RStudio as well as several automation systems.


The final result of the project, based on the scope and requirements set by the developer, is the optimisation of electrical power distribution grids to improve the energy systems and minimise excessive consumption.

It works with different tools, such as Simulink, RStudio and various automation systems.


These R&D&i projects are focused on an in-depth study of the potential solutions, for which problems are broken down into other more simple and smaller ones, enabling them to be easily analysed for the purpose of conducting a logical planning of the initiative, prioritising problems that require more time to fix and providing conclusions on the drawings or the model we are working in.

The concept of intelligent grid and the integration of renewable energy sources as part of the current power distribution grid paradigm.


Pedestrians´ protection

CAE development of a car body to optimise its design to avoid or minimise pedestrian injury in a potential collision.


Design, optimisation and certification of turbine components

Structural analysis of the components of a wind turbine to verify its integrity and survival to the historical performance of the intended operation.