Meteorological services for different industries

Under the brand Aphelion, our meteorological expertise is backed by strong and powerful teams and cutting-edge technology, enabling us to fulfill limitless requests for weather forecasting with precision and reliability.

Meteorology could support any sector or activity and its application has increased throughout the years as new industries continue to emerge. It plays a crucial role across various sectors, serving as the basis for weather forecasting, climate modeling, and risk assessment. In industries such as energy, agriculture, transportation, and construction, meteorological data informs decision-making processes, helping stakeholders anticipate and mitigate weather-related challenges.

At SOLUTE, we are committed to expanding our capabilities with the application of meteorology to the aforementioned areas and more. This is possible because of a large team of experts and research efforts which complement our knowledge. Combining these two factors have resulted in the brand, Aphelion, which encompasses all of SOLUTE´s meteorological capabilities in one brand and products.

By leveraging the collective expertise of our team and fostering a culture of innovation with research, Aphelion delivers tailored solutions that optimize performance, mitigate risks, and unlock opportunities for our clients across different sectors

We apply meteorology for:

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Aphelion brands

Aphelion has different R+D products for different industries 

weather forecasting, meteorology services
Aphelion Weather Logo

Multi-function weather forecast visualization platform for O&M tasks

wind resource assessment, energy forecasts service
Aphelion Wind

Wind and solar energy generation forecasting sw for energy markets

Weather variable analysis for businesses in the agricultural sector

broken blade reparation, wind turbine maintenance, root cause analysis services

Meteorological reports for root cause analysis (RCA) studies

Research is our


The Aphelion team has been deeply engaged in the development of numerous research studies, significantly enhancing our expertise and know-how within the knowledge areas associated with the forecast services and capacities we offer. Our commitment to delivering meteorological projects with the utmost technical accuracy, tailored to meet the specific demands of our customers, stands as one of our core values. This dedication is exemplified through the various research projects undertaken by the Aphelion team, which serve to continuously enrich our experience across a spectrum of knowledge areas directly correlated to the forecasting services we provide.

Our proactive involvement in these research initiatives not only underscores our commitment to excellence but also ensures that we remain at the forefront of innovation in the field, consistently delivering high-quality, precision-driven forecast services to our clients. 

Polar weather station on a hilltop on the shore of the Barents Sea, Kola Peninsula, Russia

Research is our


The Aphelion team has been deeply engaged in the development of numerous research studies, significantly enhancing our expertise and know-how within the knowledge areas associated with the forecast services and capacities we offer. Our commitment to delivering meteorological projects with the utmost technical accuracy, tailored to meet the specific demands of our customers, stands as one of our core values. This dedication is exemplified through the various research projects undertaken by the Aphelion team, which serve to continuously enrich our experience across a spectrum of knowledge areas directly correlated to the forecasting services we provide.

Our proactive involvement in these research initiatives not only underscores our commitment to excellence but also ensures that we remain at the forefront of innovation in the field, consistently delivering high-quality, precision-driven forecast services to our clients. 

Polar weather station on a hilltop on the shore of the Barents Sea, Kola Peninsula, Russia
Latest entries

Research is our

Research is our core

The Aphelion team has been deeply engaged in the development of numerous research studies, significantly enhancing our expertise and know-how within the knowledge areas associated with the forecast services and capacities we offer. Our commitment to delivering meteorological projects with the utmost technical accuracy, tailored to meet the specific demands of our customers, stands as one of our core values. This dedication is exemplified through the various research projects undertaken by the Aphelion team, which serve to continuously enrich our experience across a spectrum of knowledge areas directly correlated to the forecasting services we provide.

Our proactive involvement in these research initiatives not only underscores our commitment to excellence but also ensures that we remain at the forefront of innovation in the field, consistently delivering high-quality, precision-driven forecast services to our clients. BOTON DE LEARN MORE

Polar weather station on a hilltop on the shore of the Barents Sea, Kola Peninsula, Russia

We can also help you in:

meteorological services, weather forecasting
Wind Energy
Meteorological services
Energy forecasting