Energy forecasting
Wind and solar generation forecasts for energy markets

Our energy forecasting services will help you obtain accurate generation forecasts with last-generation weather forecasts systems.

Understanding the importance of accurate energy forecasting is crucial for effective decision-making in today’s dynamic energy landscape. Our services ensure that developers, short-term traders, operators, among others, have precise information adapted to specific requirements, enabling optimal operational decisions. With our commitment to exceptional customer support and a partnership dedicated to enhancing your energy management strategies, we empower you to navigate the complexities of energy management with confidence in a different approach.

The forecasting procedure begins with a comprehensive data collection process, integrating global and regional numerical weather prediction (NWP) model data, satellite observations, and local meteorological and sensor data. This information undergoes rigorous filtering before being fed into an ensemble of forecasting methods, including machine learning, statistical, and physics-based models tailored to wind or solar energy production. Through an optimized ensemble algorithm, individual forecasts are weighted based on historical accuracy and future timeframes, culminating in composite forecasts for each time horizon. These forecasts are then translated into power production models, enabling the delivery of actionable data to clients through primary and secondary channels such as: API, FTP, or email.

We place a significant focus on providing a high level of support. Hence, performance reports, regular meetings, and adaptable delivery methods ensure ongoing refinement and relevance in meeting clients’ evolving needs.

We can help you with:

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Our energy forecasts services are designed to cater to your needs if you are:

IPPs or developers

To maximize wind and solar assets profitability

Short-term traders

To enhance transactional efficiency within energy markets


To optimize EMS (Energy Management System) strategies and decisions

Solar PV plant operator

To ensure meeting scheduling commitments and plan maintenance during low generation periods to mitigate impacts on availability and profitability.

Portfolio Manager

To better manage portfolio risks and support optimization of financial results

Wind farm operator

To ensure meeting scheduling commitments and plan maintenance during low generation periods to mitigate impacts on availability and profitability.

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We can also help you in:

solar park
Weather forecasting
Operations & Maintenance
Wind resource assessment
Artificial intelligence