SOLUTE in Wind Energy Hamburg 2024: connecting innovation and future in Hamburg

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One more year, SOLUTE is proud to have attended to Wind Energy Hamburg 2024, the world´s leading event in the wind energy sector, where the latest renewable technologies and sustainable solutions for the energy transition were presented.

From 24 to 27 September, Hamburg shaped as the worldwide target of wind energy due to the celebration of Wind Energy Hamburg 2024, one of the most important events in this industry. This year, more than 1600 expositors and +43.000 professionals from more than 100 countries met in Hamburg to trade knowledge and present innovations that will enhance the future of renewable energy. Wind Energy Hamburg 2024 is a global leader event that reaches all the aspects involved in wind energy, both onshore and offshore. This leading event gathers key actors in the value chain, including project developers, wind turbine manufacturers, tech suppliers, experts in electrical grid integration and specialized consultants.

All the way through this 4-day event, SOLUTE´s team attended diverse sessions and expositions that treated the latest technology innovations and trends within the wind energy sector. These workshops were the most valuable platform to make deeper in disciplines such as digitalization, integration of wind energy in electrical grid and the new solutions of energy warehousing. This approach helped SOLUTE not just keeping at the forefront, but also discover new ideas to integrate in future projects.

WindEnergy Hamburg was an unvaluable experience for SOLUTE, because it allowed both to improve relations with current partners and establish new strategic contacts. The learnings obtained in the workshops and the exchange of ideas and knowledge build us up to face the future challenges in the renewables.

At SOLUTE, we keep committed to the innovation and development of solutions that drive the worldwide energy transition. We hope to keep sharing our experience and ideas the next year!

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis.”

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