Kaizen Methodology

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The Kaizen methodology: applying small changes for significant results.

What is the KAIZEN Methodology?

The term “KAIZEN” originates from two Japanese words: “kai,” which means “change” or “improvement,” and “zen,” which means “good” or “well-being.” The combination of these terms results as the concept of continuous improvement.

Kaizen refers to the process of ongoing enhancement in all aspects of a business, ranging from the organizational framework to the day-to-day operations related to an organization’s activities.

In this context, the aim of this process is to optimize those activities that generate added value for customers while simultaneously eliminating inefficiencies.

A key aspect of this method is that its goal is not to achieve perfection. Instead, it involves gradually implementing minor changes that steadily enhance the processes to which this methodology is applied.


What are the benefits?

• It allows to carry our economical changes with low levels of risk

• The implemented changes, given that they are not significative, are easy to put into practice

• The process of continuous improvement allows each team member to take control of their processes. If something is not working for a team member, he/she can make necessary adjustments to optimize their individual process

• The Kaizen method allows teams to make adjustments to adapt to ever-changing environments

• This methodology enhances curiosity and ingenuity


Why is it important for SOLUTE?

At SOLUTE, we believe that any activity can be subject to improvement and that there are always existing inefficiencies that can be removed in order to make processes more productive and competitive.

SOLUTE integrates the KAIZEN methodology into its daily operations. Thus, small actions, as small steps that don’t require substantial investments, lead to small victories (“quick wins”) which lead to significant changes in the long run.

Throughout this journey of continuous improvement, all levels of the organization are involved. This approach enhances compromise from all employees, who feel processes as their own.

The idea is to empower all workers to take part of the process and reflect on the daily processes they work in. In this respect, small changes can be implemented that enhance their comfort and productivity, thus delivering a better service to our clients.

The continuous improvement process should be iterative and involve constant reflection. For this reason, we use agile and dynamic “design thinking” methodologies. Once again, we underline that the objective is not perfection, but to get small victories to celebrate, thereby continuing the journey of improvement and growth each day.

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